Oct 5, 2012

Inle Lake woos hotel investors

Threeland Travel - Inle Lake Monastery
Inle Lake Monastery
From Threeland Travel's Blog - October 2012
Local authorities in Myanmar have approved land parcels for investors to to build more hotels in Shan State, while another project in Mandalay is still pending approval, the Myanmar Times reported, Monday.

According to the media report, the Shan State government has approved a 622-acre plot near Ingyin Village on the eastern side of the famous Inle Lake. The Inle zone is scheduled for development over the next 18 months.

The land for the Inle zone is about 26 km from Nyaungshwe town, a tourist hub for visiting to Inle Lake.

According to Taunggyi Zone Hoteliers Association secretary, U Aung Kyaw Moe, it will largely depend on the regional government whether hotels are approved and how many acres they will get. For the land leased from the Department of Forestry there is a 60-year build, operate and transfer agreement.

Currently there are 95 hotels with 2,244 rooms in Taunggyi, Kalaw, Pindaya, Nyaungshwe and Loikaw townships, but the numbers are still way below demand, particularly near Inle Lake.

Mr U Aung Kyaw Moe said that some hotels in Nyaungshwe added more rooms, but demand exceeds supply and with more flights to Heho Airport, which serves Inle Lake, hotel bookings have increased 50%.

In Mandalay, a 5,500-acre plot will be opened for hotel investment in Tada Oo township, Mandalay.

According to the Mandalay Zone Hoteliers Association chairman, U Myint Aung, the land was already approved by the regional government.

Apart from Inle Lake in Shan State and Mandalay, there are proposed projects in Bagan near Tuyin Mountain which is about 50 km from town.

Inle Lake is a freshwater lake located in the Nyaungshwe Township of Taunggyi District of Shan State. It is the second largest lake in Myanmar. The best time of the year to visit is during September and October.

The nearest airport is Heho Airport, which is 35 km from the lake. There are flights from both Yangon and Mandalay. Yangon is 660 km away by road, Mandalay 330 km.

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