Siem Reap provincial tourism department reports visitors to
Angkor Wat, January to March, reached 694,700, an 8% increase over the same
period last year.
For the first quarter of this year, South Korea , China
and Vietnam
were the top three strongest markets according to the report released
In addition, Thai visitors increased 28% to 28,300, while Laos supplied
27,350 visits representing a slight growth of 1%.
Siem Reap provincial tourism department administration
chief, Chhoeuy Chhorn, told Chinese media Xinhua: “China
overtook Vietnam
to become the second largest tourist source during the first three months of
this year.”
The sharp rise in Chinese tourists to Cambodia was mainly due additional direct
flights between Cambodia and
and the support of promotional tours.
The government-private sector working group on tourism co-chair,
Ho Vandy, said an easy visa process, direct flights and stronger promotions in
Chine helped to create demand.
“In the tourism working group, we have studied the visa
application and how to make it easier to apply for Chinese visitors.”
In addition, he said he is not too concerned by the drop in
Vietnamese visitors and expects the year-end figures to increase.
The entrance fees to Angkor Wat are US$20 for international
visitors per day, US$40 for a three-day visit, and US$60 for a week visit.
Last year, Angkor Wat attracted 2.06 million foreign
visitors, up 27.95% compared to 1.61 million in 2011.
The temple was designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO
in 1992.
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