APSARA (which stands
for Authority for the Protection and Management of Angkor and the Region of
Siem Reap) has just reported that over one million foreign visitors had come to
Angkor Watt. This represents a rise of 2% compared to the same period in the
previous year.
The total revenue
gained from selling Angkor tickers reached 34 million USD after the first seven
months of this year.
Mr. Long Kosal, the
spokesman of Aspara Authority believes that the fear for the outbreak of MERS
is to be to blame for the fall in the number of European visitors.
However, it seems that
the economic depression in Europe is much more related to the decrease.
Cambodia is not the only country that has been affected by the crisis. The
other ASEAN countries have also recorded the decreases in the number of
European visitors.
In contrary to the
fall in the number of European tourists, tourists from Asian countries seem to
be in favor of Angkor. They don’t have to pay too much for the park tickets and
stay in Siem Reap for only one night. This shows a huge difference between
European tourists and the Asian ones. The European visitors are always eager to
learn more about the Cambodia’s history and culture and they spend a whole day
exploring just one temple.
Apasra did not mention
how much of 34 million USD goes to the areas which are lack of elementary infrastructure
and clean water.
The Angkor
Archeological Park is an attractive tourist sites, which is even more famous
than the ecotourism destinations and the coastal regions.
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